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Air Pollution

  Air Pollution In this globalization era, there are so many things that change significantly and massively. The example is culture, environment, nature etc. This revolution affect to all things that can be good effect or bad effect. The one of the bad effect is Air pollution. Why air pollution can create a negative effect?, this problem is caused by 2 things, there are, by world itself (Example: Volcano eruption) and   from human activity (Example: Energy wastefulness etc) . Air pollution have the impact to healthy, economic, social, Education, world etc. Healthy impact from air pollution is very dangerous for us. Because air pollution can create many disease, like lung cancer, haemoglobin disease, Asthma , Heavy Cough etc. According to World Health Organization, every year there are 3,2 Million death cases caused by air pollution. There is also social impact, because of people will not to go outside to feel a soiled air. From the economic impact, according to World Ban...

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